# Chapter 1 - A strange place A putrid scent, and a completely sour body. *sob**sob* Someone is crying. As i open up my eyes i see a unfamiliar underground structure, chained up, i see in front of me behind the bars the disturbing scene of a oversized man crying like a child. "Son, you always claimed that only animals would act based on lust" It seems that the man is refeering to me, as there is no one else around, but i dont remember having such a father. Now that i see my body also looks strangely over muscular. "I still stand for everything i said" A throw a generic response, that should be enough to get more information without exposing my current lack of context. "Yes son, i know, i will trust you to the very end, thats why i've brought this" The middle aged man says while opening an overly decorated box. "This is our familys most precious treasure, it has been passed down from generations, its proof that you are succeding as the family patriarch" The man said, while showing a black dagger with golden details inbued into it. Strange, such a patriarch family system is not something that should exist in modern age, neither chains and underground prisions like this. It seems like im not only in a strange place but also in a strange time, to make it worse in anothers person body. Still, making a fuss about it won't solve things, i shall play along for now. "Father, i dont think this is the wisest thing to do, giving my current situation the whole family could be put into danger" I spout some more random bullshit trying to bait a more context explaining answer. "Our family has only managed to come this far and rise from a third-rate family to a first-rate because of your talent, this is the right thing to do. Besides this is the only possible way you could survive the incoming duels, if you are able to utilize it power you may be able to survive, no one has done it so far since the first patriarch, but if its you, you will do it" Interesting, it seems that the owner of this body was a highly valued individual, and the way he talks about duels makes me think that such a talent wasn't about chess, but actual fights. "Right, im in no position to refuse" "Please, release him, i've acorded with the emperor he will have an day to prepare" As soon my father said that a sudden man surges from shadows in a supernatural way. This is all the proof i needed, i am in a martial arts world. As soon as the shadow-like man soon freed me, the man continued: "Yi-joon, take him to the training grounds, help him with whatever preparations he may needs" "Yes, sir." Calmly said a old man who also came out from the shadows, he looks like our family head butler. But all i can think about is how many more people are in this room. After handing over the dagger my father leaves with a serious look. "Let's go, Yi-jooon" I say calmy "Yes, sir" A firm response folowed by a slow walk. It seems i will have to become a martial master in a day. # Chapter 2 - Training grounds "We are here, sir" Said the servant, in a calm tone. A wide space with lots of weapons around, it seemed to be a place destined for high ranking people to train. Looks like the merits of the owner of this body werent low, as even after being labeled as a sinner a still recieve such a treatment. But whats more important right now is finding a way to live, i will have a martial arts duel tomorrow and i have never even fought before. "Tell me about the one i will be fightning tomorrow" I asked. "You will have three duels sir, and the onlu way of being forgiven is winning the three of them." "First you will fight Divine Lightning Step, the fastes martial artist in the world, then you will fight Divine Sword Emperor, the strongest martial artist and then you will fight Divine Heavenly Schemer, the smartest martial artist. They together ar known as the Three Divine Pillars of the empire." "It doesnt seem like the emperor plans on letting me live huh..." I say in a serious tone, while staring at Yi-joon. "Given the crimes you supposedly commited, this is a light punishment that takes into account all your previous contributions to the empire" "I guess" Such an information doesnt help me at all. "Enough with shitchat, we shall spar" I say in with a firm voice. My only way of surving right now is depend on this body muscle memory. Yi-joon gets in position, while i try to imitate his form. "Won't you need a sword, Sir?" "Right, give me de dagger" I say while i take the ornamented dagger. "Are you sure you will be able to use it, sir?" "It looks fine" I answer while swinging the dagger around clumslisy. "That's not it sir, while you may be able to swing it, you can't use it as a weapon, try attaking me with it." I follow his instructions with a curious expression. As soon as i swing the dagger in his direction, to my surprise, the dagger stops in the air, unmovable, as if ignoring all laws of phisycs. "Interresting." I mumble inwardly. "Yes sir, thats the reason no one was able to utilize it properly since the first patriarch" "I will try again, prepare to block, it will work now." "Okay sir" Yi-joon doenst look convinced at all. Then i trying swinging it one more time, and for Yi-joon surprise, it works. As soon as my blade touches Yi-joon blade, hes thown a couple yards back with extreme force, the power is insane. "I did't even put strenth into it" I mumble to myself. "It seems this mysterious dagger uses the same atribute that makes it stops in the air to generate a tremendous amount of force" i think while aproaching the now completely broken Yi-joon. "Are you okay?" "How did you do it sir?" He seemed more curious than hurt, lookes like i pulled something impressive in this world standards. "Its simple, all you gotta do is to attack without attaking" "I dont understand, sir" "The Dagger knows when you are attacking by your intention, all you have to do is attack without the intention to attack, like swinging the sword mindlessly" "S-sir, how can someone how has trained martial arts since birth do that? Its agains all the principles of everything learned in martial arts, is the same as forgeting everthing we know. How could you do that on your second try sir?! Your trully an genius among genius!" Genius among genius, thats a funny way to put things, i guess i can do it because ive never swinged a sword before. I think to myself. "Enough with praises, lets fight for real now." "Yes sir!" Yi-joon says while getting up, and getting into position. "You shall take the first move" I shoud test my reaction speedfirst. "Thank you, sir" As soon as Yi-joon says that he jumps at me in an speed thats faster than any jet on earth could get. Surprisingly i can see him. The owner of this body was truly a Genius. At that speed, i can dodge. I think to myself. Yet, as soon as he got closer i start to panic, my body doenst listen to me. The he hits me in full and i got laind back a couple yards, rolling like an beaten animal. "S-sir! What happended?! You've never taken an hit from me before!" It seems i wont be able to do much without a proper footwork techniche. "Now i did." I say to him while trying to ignore the pain and not lose the composture. "B-but why, sir?" Hes shocked. "The truth is Yi-joon, in order to be strong, you first have to realize what being weak truly means" I say in a convincing tone. Ive always been good at making spot-on bullshit. "Such a deep words!" My ass! Yet it seems like my words truly touched Yi-joon, as he sits down ans starts to meditate. I guess thats what they call an enlightment, this martial world sure is funny, some random worlds are enough to enlight a martial master, i guess the power of words truly relies on the listener. Lookes like i lost my sparing partner for the night. I think to myself while sitting down and thinking of a plan of actually surving tomorrow. #Chapter 3 - The Day of Duels: A Clever Ruse Unfolds As I step into the vast arena, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The crowd roars, eager to witness the upcoming duels. My eyes drift towards the royal box, where I notice the princess sitting next to the king. Her expressionless eyes are fixed on me, and I can't help but feel a chill run down my spine. Beside her, a young man of unmatched beauty and strength observes me intently. His aura exudes an air of confidence, and he seems like the perfect match for the equally stunning princess. Their combined radiance is captivating, drawing the attention of everyone present. As the first duel is about to commence, I find myself facing Divine Lightning Step. My mind races, trying to recall the solution I had devised during the night to compensate for my inability to match his speed. I know that I can follow his movements with my eyes, but my body simply cannot keep up. I take a deep breath and raise my arm, slowly starting to strike down as if performing an attack with no speed. With a smirk, I declare, "I will take you down with this strike." The spectators laugh uproariously, thinking I've completely lost my mind. However, I remain focused on my plan, determined to prove them wrong. The signal for the duel to begin is given, and Divine Lightning Step leaps towards me at a dizzying speed. Although I can track his every movement, I know that I am unable to dodge his assault. As he closes in, I continue to move my arm down slowly, my eyes locked onto him. To Divine Lightning Step's surprise, I suddenly start moving my body in a strange, seemingly erratic manner, as if I am about to unleash a powerful attack. He realizes my intentions in an instant; I wanted him to dodge the slow attack and fall victim to the real one. In an attempt to counter my plan, Divine Lightning Step decides to take the slow attack head-on, believing it to have no force behind it. As he braces for impact, the mysterious force of the dagger activates. The moment the slow-moving attack connects, Divine Lightning Step is instantly defeated, propelled backward by the seemingly weak strike. The crowd gasps in shock, struggling to comprehend how someone as formidable as Divine Lightning Step could be defeated by such an apparently feeble attack. As the dust settles, I stand tall, victorious against all odds. In that moment, I prove to everyone that even in a world of martial arts, cleverness and wit can prevail against overwhelming power. But with two more daunting duels to come, I know that the road ahead is still fraught with danger, and I must brace myself for the challenges that await. #Chapter 4 - The Day of Duels: Shattering Expectations As I prepare for the second duel against Divine Sword Emperor, I steel myself for another challenge. He steps onto the stage with a confident stride, sizing me up as he speaks, "I don't know what trick you pulled, but it's not going to work on me." I smirk, replying, "Actually, I'm surprised you guys are only on this level. I shall give you the first attack." The crowd murmurs, unsure of what to make of my taunt. Divine Sword Emperor narrows his eyes, clearly irritated by my statement. However, he obliges, readying his sword for a powerful strike. Little does he know, I've already formulated a plan to counter his attack. As Divine Sword Emperor lunges forward, his sword aimed straight at me, I position the dagger to block his strike. My intention is to utilize the same principle that makes the dagger stay fixed in the air, effectively halting his sword and breaking it in the process. The moment our weapons collide, a thunderous clang echoes throughout the arena. The force of the impact sends shockwaves rippling through the air, and the crowd holds its breath in anticipation. To everyone's astonishment, Divine Sword Emperor's sword shatters into countless pieces, leaving him dumbfounded and disarmed. The dagger, on the other hand, remains unscathed and as immovable as ever. The audience erupts into cheers and gasps, unable to believe that I've managed to defeat yet another of the empire's renowned martial artists. Divine Sword Emperor, crestfallen, retreats from the stage, conceding defeat. As I stand victorious once more, I can't help but feel a sense of pride in my ability to adapt and outwit my opponents. However, I know that the most cunning adversary is still to come: Divine Heavenly Schemer. With the final duel looming, I must prepare for a battle of wits and strategy, the likes of which I've never faced before. #Chapter 5 - The Unexpected Surrender Contrary to my expectations, Divine Heavenly Schemer steps onto the stage without any discernable plan or strategy. He merely stares at me for a moment before raising his hands in surrender. As Divine Heavenly Schemer surrenders, an eerie silence falls over the arena. The deafening quiet is palpable, the tension so thick it seems to hang in the air like a dense fog. The audience members hold their breath, their eyes locked on the stage, as they wait to see how the emperor will react. For a few long seconds, it feels as though time itself has come to a standstill. The emperor's eyes dart between Divine Heavenly Schemer and me, his brow furrowed in confusion and disbelief. He seems unable to comprehend the situation unfolding before him. This momentary lapse in his usual air of authority only adds to the mounting tension. As the reality of the situation begins to sink in, the emperor's face darkens with fury, his mouth set in a grim line. He takes a deep breath, and it seems as if the entire arena is waiting for him to exhale, collectively holding its breath along with him. In those few heartbeats before the emperor speaks, I can't help but notice the various reactions of those around me. The young man beside the princess is visibly agitated, his hands clenched into fists at his sides, while the princess remains expressionless, her gaze never leaving her father's face. It's clear that she, too, is on edge, her pale complexion betraying her inner turmoil. The officials in the stands lean forward in their seats, eager to hear the emperor's decision. Their faces display a mixture of shock, anger, and curiosity as they whisper among themselves. I can sense the uncertainty and apprehension in their hushed voices, each one wondering what this sudden twist will mean for them. It's in this moment that I truly understand the gravity of the situation. The outcome of this duel will not only affect me but also the entire kingdom, its political landscape, and the lives of everyone involved. The tension reaches a crescendo, and as the emperor finally begins to speak, it feels as if the entire arena exhales in unison, releasing the pent-up energy that had been building throughout the duel. The words that follow will change the course of events for all of us, and we brace ourselves for the inevitable fallout. "Why?" the emperor asks with a complicated expression. "Your Majesty," Divine Heavenly Schemer begins, his voice steady and calm, "You should have realized what's happening right now. Do you really think someone as strong as him would fail in an attempt to take advantage of your daughter? I fear if that's what he truly wanted, not even the heavens could stop him." The young man beside the princess, presumably her suitor, speaks up in protest, "You must not believe such deceiving words, Your Majesty!" The emperor raises a hand to silence him, responding, "Enough! Are you claiming Divine Heavenly Schemer is a charlatan?" He pauses, his expression a mix of sorrow and realization. "The truth is that I just refused to believe that the child I raised with so much love would actually dare to use me, and to make it worse, while being a victim to lust. I guess I truly am a fool." The arena falls silent as the emperor's words sink in. The crowd, once boisterous and animated, now stands in stunned disbelief. The young man beside the princess looks uneasy, while the princess herself pales at her father's admission of his own naivety. The emperor's gaze sweeps across the arena, his eyes narrowing as he speaks, "I know there are rats among the officials here. I will deal with this situation personally, and I will ensure that justice is served." The crowd murmurs in anticipation, many wondering what measures the emperor will take. With a wave of his hand, the emperor declares me innocent and then turns to me, asking, "Do you have any suggestions for punishment for those who plotted against you?" I consider the question for a moment before responding, "There is no need for punishment, Your Majesty." The emperor looks at me, clearly surprised by my response, and asks, "Why? You could have died because of their scheming!" I meet his gaze and explain, "If we were to be worried about everything that could happen at every instant, we would never get the chance to actually live. Sometimes, letting go of grudges hurts less than holding onto them." As I speak, I can see the various emotions playing out on the faces of the spectators. Some are shocked, while others appear to be reconsidering their previous assumptions about me. Among them, I notice several high-ranking officials whispering to one another, likely plotting their next moves in light of this new information. I turn my attention back to the emperor, who now seems lost in thought. His gaze is fixed on the ground, and I can only imagine the turmoil he must be experiencing. For a moment, I consider approaching him and offering some words of comfort, but I decide against it, realizing that it might not be well-received in the current atmosphere. Instead, I focus on the princess, who, despite her pale complexion, remains a striking figure. She has yet to say a word or even acknowledge my presence, but I can sense a newfound curiosity in her eyes. It's clear that she, too, has been affected by the day's events and the revelations about my supposed actions. As the crowd begins to disperse, I brace myself for the challenges that lie ahead. The outcome of these duels has given me a temporary reprieve, but I know that I must continue to adapt and learn about this strange world if I am to survive and uncover the truth behind my mysterious circumstances.